All Community created Funds

Fundraising for Covid-19 Research in memory of Luigi Cirillo (Italy-VMCT)
1 nonprofit
Fundraising for Covid-19 Research in memory of Luigi Cirillo (Italy-VMCT)
(The above value already takes into account the Cisco match) follows the text in Italian We have all been affected by the untimely death of our dear former colleague, and friend for many, Luigi. We are bound to him by many years of working together, a chat at the coffee machine, or just some quick jokes exchanged walking in the aisles of the office ... memories that all of us will hold inside and will make us smile when thinking of him. In these months we have learned to stay away from each other, we have accepted the unacceptable, not being able to embrace those who were greeting us forever in one last hug. We have been forced to practice social distancing, but we have not resigned ourselves to losing our humanity, our need to be together and our ability to make ourselves feel present even when physical presence is not possible. Aware of how little is still known about coronavirus, we want to try to make Luigi and his family feel all our affection by proposing a fundraising campaign in favor of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, to finance a research project on COVID-19. For details on the purpose of the collection you can refer to the Foundation website: If you want to make a contribution in this great battle, for and together with Luigi, you can make a donation here. Cisco will automatically double the amount donated by employees. Non-Cisco employees will also be able to donate can make the donation using this link and specifying “Covid-19 Research - in memory of Luigi Cirillo” with email to . At the end of August 2020 we will make a report with the names of those who participated in this fundraising campaign, completed by the photos we have of Luigi, and we will deliver it to his family. In thanking you, we want to hold you all in a big hug by stealing a slogan coined for this period: #DISTANTBUTNEAR ***** ***** Tutti noi siamo stati colpiti dalla prematura scomparsa del nostro caro ex-collega, per molti amico, Luigi. A lui ci legano molti anni di lavoro condiviso, quattro chiacchiere alla macchinetta del caffe, due battute scambiate velocemente quando ci si incrociava… ricordi che tutti noi ci porteremo dentro e ci faranno sorridere quando penseremo a lui. ***** In questi mesi abbiamo imparato a stare lontani gli uni dagli altri, abbiamo accettato l’inaccettabile, non potendo stringere in un ultimo abbraccio chi ci stava salutando per sempre. Siamo stati costretti a praticare il distanziamento sociale, ma non ci siamo rassegnati a perdere la nostra umanità, il nostro bisogno di stare insieme e la nostra capacità di farci sentire presenti anche quando la presenza fisica non è possibile. ***** Consapevoli di quanto poco ancora si conosca del coronavirus, vogliamo allora provare a fare sentire a Luigi tutto il nostro affetto proponendo una raccolta fondi a favore della Fondazione Umberto Veronesi per finanziare un progetto di ricerca sul COVID-19. Per i dettagli sulla finalità della raccolta puoi riferirti al sito della Fondazione: . ***** Se vuoi dare un contributo in questa grande battaglia, per e insieme a Luigi, puoi fare una donazione qui. Cisco raddoppierà automaticamente la cifra donata dai dipendenti. Le persone non dipendenti Cisco potranno donare andando al sito della fondazione: specificando “Ricerca Covid-19 - in memoria di Luigi Cirillo” con email a . A fine agosto faremo un resoconto con i nomi di chi ha aderito, completato dalle foto che abbiamo di Luigi e le consegneremo ai familiari. Nel ringraziarvi, vogliamo stringervi tutti in un grande abbraccio rubando uno slogan coniato per questo periodo: #Lontanimavicini
Fundraising for Kidspire Vietnam to enable chromebook refreshes for orphanages in Vietnam
1 nonprofit
Fundraising for Kidspire Vietnam to enable chromebook refreshes for orphanages in Vietnam
On the first of July, I reached my 12-year milestone with VMware. Looking back I think one of my most memorable experiences was my trip to Vietnam to help setup computer classrooms for various orphanages. (More of the backstory to be found here: When reaching the 12-year milestone each VMware employee gets an amount to donate to a charity of choice. I decided to donate to Kidspire Vietnam as I know there are various classrooms that are up for a hardware refresh. With my milestone donation and a personal donation, I have been able to provide sufficient funds to enable Kidspire Vietnam to refresh a single full classroom (15 Chromebooks). ** UPDATE: we have collected sufficient funds to allow Kidspire to refresh 2 classrooms, when combined with my grant and personal donation that means 3 full classrooms can be refreshed, a total of 45 new Chromebooks!! ** With this fundraiser, I am hoping to enable Kidspire Vietnam to refresh at least one more additional classroom. The cost of a refresh is between 3500 USD and 4000 USD. Hopefully, we will be able to reach this goal. Believe me when I say that nothing beats seeing how much these kids enjoy learning about new technology and being able to interact with people over the internet. I would like to thank everyone upfront for donating, or considering to donate. Thanks, Duncan VMware //
5k Race for Change Fund
3 nonprofits
5k Race for Change Fund
In the spirit of taking action, Bank team members have come together to find a fun and healthy way to support the Black Lives Matter movement. Join us in a virtual 5K run, walk, or bike Saturday, July 18 or Sunday, July 19. What is a virtual 5k? Don’t worry, we’re not asking you to run on GoToMeeting. Participants who sign up for a virtual race register online and simply choose their own starting line, whether it's a treadmill or a neighborhood street, run the race distance – 5k or 3.1 miles, and upload their finishing time. To register, simply make a donation of $25 or more to the 5k Run for Change fund on Bright Funds. Your donation or “registration fee” will be matched and distributed to local organizations and charitable initiatives aimed to support Black lives and communities. You can choose to run, walk, or bike on Saturday, July 18 or Sunday, July 19 and track your metrics on your favorite app. Make sure to track your time and send your results to to compare your results with other team members participating in the 5k! The goal of this event is to get people thinking, get people talking, and get people moving! This event is not sponsored by the Bank but instead stems from team members taking action into their own hands. We hope this inspires you to do the same. To Participate: - Donate $25 or more to Bright Funds 5K Run for Change - Complete a 5K (3.1 miles) run, walk, or bike on July 18 or July 19 - Track on any app of your choosing and take pictures of the run Thank you for your awareness and support.
Niloy's Attempt at Triple Crown of 200 - For Life, Equality and Safety Fund
1 nonprofit
Niloy's Attempt at Triple Crown of 200 - For Life, Equality and Safety Fund
It's been a tough year so far. And it has also brought us together even more. In my pursuit to test my limits, I'll be attempting three 200 miles footraces across the country in August, September and October. While it's hard to predict outcomes for such races, know it that i'll give my best and a little more. I am asking you to support me in this journey by contributing to three causes I deeply care about: 1. Fight against discrimination 2. Mental Heath and the right to live and 3. A safe growing environment. While tackling the deepest of fears and toughest of challenges we all need to dig deep into our reserves and search for a higher purpose. That's my WHY. Update 7/28: My first race in the triple crown series, Bigfoot 200 has been cancelled due to the current pandemic situation. In spirit of this race I will run a Bigfoot Virtual race locally. This will a series of 4 runs back to back covering a total of 208 miles: Aug 7: Miwok 100Km, 5AM Friday Aug 8: Bay Ridge 100Km, 5 AM Saturday Aug 9: Quicksilver 100Km (start time may vary based on finish time of Bay Ridge), sometime between 5-11 AM Sunday Aug 10: Mount Diablo out and back from old Finley 22 miles, Monday AM